Field Care Guide


When you are in the field and think you might like to get a bird mounted, there are a few basic steps a hunter should take:

First, handle the bird very gently to avoid damaging the feathers. Do NOT rinse blood or mud off the bird. This could also damage the feathers. Let us take care of that. Do NOT wring the birds neck to kill it as you are libel to twist its head off. Do NOT use a finishing tool. If the bird is not dead, lay it on the ground and with two hands, gently compress the birds chest. This suffocates the bird without damaging it. Once retrieved, gently tuck the birds head under the wing and wrap it in a towel. Store it in a cool place until you are able to get it in a freezer. Keep it away from your dog.

Once home, unwrap your bird and wrap the head and feet with damp paper towels. Then once again tuck the head under the wing. Then completely wrap the bird in airtight saran wrap. The less air transfer the better. Make sure the entire bird is completely wrapped then place in several more plastic bags. Tape up the plastic bags. This is the best method to prevent freezer burn if the bird is to be stored for a long period of time.

DEer and other large mammals:

For any animal, it is important to keep it as cool as possible from the moment it is acquired. It is important to skin carefully to prevent putting holes in the hide. You do not need to get all of the flesh off, we will do that.

Here are a couple of simple picture guides to help get you started on your cuts.

After your animal is skinned, wrap it up well and store it in a cool place or iced until you are home. Once home, wrap it tightly in a couple of trash bags and duct tape it shut. Get as much air out of the bags as possible to minimize freezer burn. Do NOT salt the hide, leave that to us. Then put it in your freezer until we are ready to take on your project. Do not bring your large mammal to the shop without first clearing it with us. We do not have unlimited freezer space. We will let you know when it is okay to drop your animal off at the shop.


Fresh uncooked or frozen crabs are the best to taxidermy, it allows the crab to keep it’s natural color and it’s shell integrity is stronger. We only accept live or frozen uncooked crab. Freeze the crab alive, once dead it will be limp and you should tuck its limbs in close to its body, wrap it in wet paper towel, then put it in a couple bags. Tape the bags shut and freeze it. This makes the crab inedible, but it is good if you just want it taxidermized.